Fully Booked (Any Additional Students Will Be Placed On the Waitlist)
Jasmine Kim
Lives in North Thurston County, WA Bio: Jasmine Kim is a sophomore, taking Honors English, AP World History and Advanced Algebra II. She loves to read on her spare time and enjoys going above and beyond on presentations. Additionally, she has been a tutor for people above her grade level (and below), and is always interested in teaching others as well as learning new things. Tutoring Subjects: Math: Grades K-8, Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry Reading: Grades K-8 Grammar: Grades 5-8 Available Schedule: Monday: Not available Tuesday: 6-9 PM PST Wednesday: Not available Thursday: 6-9 PM PST Friday: Not available Saturday: 6-9 PM PST Sunday: Not available (*subject to change) Spoken Languages: English, Korean |