Due to high demand, there is a limit of 1 student to 1 coding class. A student may not sign up for a Python and Java Group simultaneously.
Information & Directions
At Learn With Genie, coding tutors will work with multiple students during a session, rather than one-on-one. Each group has a set limit of 3 students at most. To book a session, please refer to the instructions below:
1. Click on a tutor's name to find their available times and dates.
2. Check the calendar to see if there are any spots left for a coding group accordingly to the specific programming language your child is interested in learning. If your child is unsure, he or she can click here to find which language will suit his or her personality and interests best.
3. If you see an available time and spot, scroll down to the booking form and fill it out. Please keep in mind that each coding group will meet once at the same time every week until the end date of the course(12-15 weeks). For example, Python Group 1 and Java Group 1 will meet on different days and will consist of different students.
3. If you have any extra questions or concerns, please email [email protected].
1. Click on a tutor's name to find their available times and dates.
2. Check the calendar to see if there are any spots left for a coding group accordingly to the specific programming language your child is interested in learning. If your child is unsure, he or she can click here to find which language will suit his or her personality and interests best.
3. If you see an available time and spot, scroll down to the booking form and fill it out. Please keep in mind that each coding group will meet once at the same time every week until the end date of the course(12-15 weeks). For example, Python Group 1 and Java Group 1 will meet on different days and will consist of different students.
3. If you have any extra questions or concerns, please email [email protected].